F1GP-Ed Documentation
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If you want to convert your copy of F1GP so that it uses the 1999.f1gp
datafile supplied with F1GP-Ed, then here is one way to do it (after you've
made sure you have a backup of F1GP, of course):
o Load F1GP-Ed
o Select Load from >> Datafile... from the "Project" menu
o Select the "1999.f1gp" file and click on "Load"
o Make sure the F1GP Binary path in the main window is set correctly: if
you have a hard drive then select the "f1gp" file in the relevant
drawer, otherwise just put F1GP disk 2 (versions A & B) or disk 1
(version C - change the path from "f1gp_disk_#2:f1gp" to
"f1gp_disk_#1:f1gp") in any floppy disk drive.
o Select Save to >> F1GP Binary... from the "Project" menu
o Read the message and click on "OK"
o When disk activity has finished, load F1GP in the usual way
This will provide you with an updated version of F1GP - you can also
customize many other features too by experimenting with F1GP-Ed. It is
also possible to save directly to memory (ie without reloading the game)
Converted on 16 Apr 1999 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.